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  • Meetings Every Wednesday 07:00 - 09:00

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Weekly Meetings to grow your business

Weekly Meetings to grow your business

The Wednesday Business Club meets weekly in Bicester, over breakfast with informal open networking before and after the main meeting. You will find the meetings at a local independent family run hotel. At these meetings the members, which could include you, 

meetings and events SQUAREget mutual support, social activity with likeminded persons and to exchange qualified business referrals. The aim is to help members and visitors in the room better deal with any business challenges, to develop their skills and grow their business.  Weekly attendance and the bringing of referrals or visitors are not a formal requirement, both simply seen as good business sense.

The Wednesday Business Club provides a highly supportive environment and you will find that the meetings are structured and relaxed. They are a place in which local businesses share initiatives, advice and guidance, learning valuable new business skills and developing the strong trust and relationships necessary for generating genuine business referrals. There is no requirement to attend every week, to bring referrals every week, or bring visitors or offer testimonials, although all are encouraged and valued, just not forced.

The weekly meetings, with a two week break over Christmas, are chaired by a different member each week.  They feature a variety of different core activities. Most regular of these are the Business Tips, Members Ten Minutes, Members 60-seconds and Referrals and Thank You slot. There are other activities that are run to the pre-published calendar.

  • Meetings Every Wednesday 07:00 - 09:00